
Category: Home Page

  • Eco-Friendly Fall Tips for Outside the Home

    Eco-Friendly Fall Tips for Outside the Home

    As the nights begin to cool and seasons begin to shift, we welcome fall back again. Fall is a time of settling in and preparing for winter. As we begin making those fall to-do lists, we stop to consider how we can approach them in a more sustainable manner? We have found 8 great ways to be more eco-friendly outside the home this fall.

    Do you have eco-friendly fall practices?

    Share them with us at info@mainecommunitysolar.org!

    Preserve Garden Goodies

    Save the last of your garden’s bounty this fall. As the frosty nights creep closer, consider preserving the remainder of your harvest. Canning and pickling veggies, and drying and storing herbs are all great ways to lessen food waste and enjoy some tasty treats in the winter months!

    By Preserving your last Garden Goodies you are…

    • Practicing Mindfulness by respecting your food resources.
    • Learning and understanding shelf stability (save your preserved foods for up to 1 year).
    • Avoiding Food Waste. ⅓ of the 1.3 million tons of waste each year is from food waste.

    Shop for Seasonal Local Foods

    This fall, support your local farmers and economy by buying local produce. Lower the need for long-distance food transport in your area, and enjoy some seasonal snacks. A fall harvest in Maryland may include beets, carrots, onions, pumpkins, radishes, turnips, and more!

    The United States alone wastes 40 million tons of food per year.

    Reuse Old Water Bottles

    If you have any plastic water bottles around your home, now is the time to use them and keep them out of landfills! As the temperature drops, your remaining plants may be left vulnerable. You can use those old water bottles as little teeny greenhouses for your plants. Keep your plants happy and plastic out of landfills!

    35 Billion Water Bottles are thrown away each year.

    Compost your Leaves!

    Don’t waste valuable future fertilizer, instead, consider composting your leaves. If you don’t have a compost started yet, leaves are a great starter pile! You can even sprinkle them across your lawn and mow them over for lawn fertilizer or over garden beds! 

    Learn more about composting in our Eco-Friendly Composting Edition!

    Prep Next Year’s Garden

    This is a great time to prep next year’s garden before the ground freezes! Remove weeds, vines, and clear out your garden bed. Till your soil, add some compost, and maybe even plant some veggies before the frost. Many plant their tulips, shrubs, and trees in the fall to help them get established before winter.

    Some Veggies to Plant in the Fall:

    Leafy Greens, Onions, Shallots, Spring Onions, Garlic, Asparagus, Turnips, Carrots, Winter Lettuce, Perpetual Spinach, and Broad Beans.

    Yard Work

    Use manual tools instead of power tools for smaller projects, the environment will thank you!

    Save the Berries for the Birds!

    Avoid pruning your fall fruiting plants and leave those tasty leftover treats for the birds. Winters are not easy times for foraging, and food scarcity is a hard reality birds face each winter.

    Power Your Home with Clean Energy

    Renewable energy has been accessible in Maryland since 2019 when the state of Maryland’s legislation began supporting clean energy efforts. These efforts allow Marylandr’s renewable energy options. Interested in supporting Maryland’s sustainability efforts? Enroll in a community solar program!

    Save 10-15% on future Electricity Bills

    Power your home with Clean Energy

  • Electricity Rates Rise for Maryland Residents

    Electricity Rates Rise for Maryland Residents

    2021 was a year of highs and lows, especially if you look at electricity rates for Maryland residents and business owners. CMP customers have now faced a double-digit increase in electricity rates as of  August 1st. Why did the rates increase last month for CMP customers? Is there anything Marylandrs can do to offset these newly adjusted bills? As we dive into utility rates, we pause to ask ourselves, could there be a better way to power Maryland communities?

    In August 2021, CMP customers faced a double-digit rate increase. It comes as a tough blow for Marylandrs with CMP accounts. The rate increase will raise the delivery portion of the customer’s bill by 11.5%. Many are wondering, what will this change in rates look like on my future bills? Portland Press Herald reports that “the rate hike will increase the average monthly bill for a CMP residential customer, currently paying about $87 a month, by $9.90 a month, according to a PUC analysis.” This led us to ask ourselves, why are CMP’s rates increasing?

    The Portland Press Herald reports, “The Maryland Public Utilities Commission’s hands were tied on the largest portion of the rate hike: federally mandated tariff increases set by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission to help pay for new high-voltage transmission lines and maintenance on existing lines in New England.”  However, the Portland Press Herald also explains that the PUC raised the rates even higher due to repair and restoration efforts from storm damage. Unfortunately, these repair and restoration costs are falling on the consumer. CMP customers do have options and resources to help them through these changes.

    Marylandrs do have options for bill assistance and clean energy programs that can help offset monthly bill costs. For some, this increase may put some financial burden on their monthly budgeting. If you need assistance in paying your bill, there are Assistance Programs offered by CMP. The rate increase has some consumers considering renewable energy in a new light. For instance, by powering a home or business with clean energy, the consumer could see a 10-15% decrease in their total monthly bill. These savings could help make up the difference of the rate increase from CMP, while simultaneously allowing consumers to use clean energy and support Maryland’s clean energy initiative. 

    Is there a better way to power Maryland communities?  At Maryland Community Solar, we believe there is, and it begins with clean renewable energy resources. As we step away from fossil fuels, we realize the importance of supporting our environment and community. Community Solar Programs offer savings, zero upfront costs, and the ability to use clean energy! Rates have decreased, and rates will increase, that is inevitable. What Maryland residents and business owners can do now, is consider where their power is coming from and how they receive it. 

    Learn More About The Clean Energy Programs Available to Maryland Residents and Businesses, with the help of Maryland Community Solar!




    Sources Cited:

    Murphy, E. (2021, July 14). CMP Customers to see Double Digit Rate Increase Next Month. Portland Press Herald. https://www.pressherald.com/2021/07/14/cmp-customers-to-see-double-digit-rate-increase-next-month/#:~:text=The%20rate%20hike%20will%20increase,the%20higher%20rates%2C%20it%20said.

  • Eco-Friendly Travel Tips To Consider Before Your Next Trip from Maryland Community Solar

    Eco-Friendly Travel Tips To Consider Before Your Next Trip from Maryland Community Solar

    Sustainable travel is possible, and we’re here to tell you about all the eco-friendly ways you can improve your traveling practices! We have broken it down to 5 key elements, thoughtful planning, packing with care, transportation and stays, eco-activities, and the mindful traveler. We hope these tips come in handy your next trip!

    Book your trip right: If you use travel sites or booking agents, choose an eco-friendly travel agent or booking site to plan your trip.

    Support struggling communities: After a natural disaster, communities need economic support and your visit could actually be beneficial in stimulating their economy.

    Traveling to a popular destination: If going to a popular location to travel to, go during the off season to help ease overcrowding.

    Travel through volunteering: One way to travel and support a community is to volunteer with a program that supports the area.

    Choose eco-friendly products: Avoid sunscreen that contains oxybensone and octinoxate, these chemicals have been found to increase coral bleaching. Protect our oceans and opt for an eco-friendly sunscreen!

    Bring your own: Instead of relying on the tiny bottles of soaps and lotions at hotels, bring your own toiletries and avoid sample bottles and single use products.

    Travel light: Less weight on the aircraft, less carbon emissions, and less heavy luggage to carry!

    Avoid plastics: Single use products made of plastics make up over 8 million tons of plastics dumped into the ocean according to the plastic ocean foundation. Use a water bottle, avoid adding to plastic waste and save money by avoiding buying water bottles during your trip.

    Reuse and re-wear: Whenever possible, try to reuse towels and clean clothes, anything that is not officially “dirty” can be re-worn. Laundry accounts for 16% of the average hotel’s water bill.

    Green stays: Support businesses that value their community, protect the environment and withhold sustainable values. Hotels, stays, Airbnb’s.. there are a lot of options out there, and it’s never been easier to find green businesses!

    Use green transportation: If driving is a necessity, eco-friendly transportation, such as fuel efficient cars, green cabs, and public transit are great options. When possible, aim for green alternatives like biking, hiking, walking and paddling.

    Opt for paperless: In this digital age, it has become much easier to avoid paper waste. Given the option, always choose E-tickets when flying. You may not save an entire tree with your single e-ticket, but they add up and it will make a positive impact over time.

    Eco-friendly activities: There are so many things we can do without harming the environment and still have fun! You can go out in nature and sail, snorkel, dive, go SUP paddle boarding, kayaking, canoeing, swimming, go hiking and so much more. 

    Stay on the trail: Traveling off the beaten path may sound adventurous, but how adventurous can you really feel if you discover you are actually damaging that “path” by unknowingly trampling a new growth area or stepping on nesting ground for an endangered species? Be kind to the places you visit and respect their rules.

    Treat the destination with gratitude and respect: Did you know that in New Zealand, Iceland and the Republic of Palau there is a pledge for tourists? In 2017 Palau was the first to establish an eco-promoise for their tourists. The pledge said: “I take this pledge as your guest, to protect and preserve your beautiful island home. I vow to tread lightly, act kindly and explore mindfully.”

    Be mindful: Of where you are and what your presence may be doing to your destination. If you’re traveling somewhere with droughts, try to help conserve water. If traveling somewhere struggling with fires, avoid adding more fire to the flame.

    Recycle: Try to be a positive presence in these new places you are exploring, and remember, all of your eco-friendly practices from home can carry over to your travels as well!

    Leave no trace: 3 incredibly impactful words we should all uphold every where we go.

    Keep it local: Support local restaurants and businesses, buy crafts from locals and avoid chains and big businesses that take the economic support away from communities.

    Be present: It may be tempting to geotag everywhere you go, but by doing so you are supporting overtourism, which can actually be very hard on small communities. Just be present and enjoy your time, if you feel the desire to share a picture on social media, avoid the geotag – it could help protect the community and add a little mystery  to your page as well.

    Eco-friendly practices can be found and applied throughout all aspects of our lives, from our travels, to our offices, to our commutes and time spent at home. Sustainability can be achieved with determination to protect our environment and community. Another way to further your sustainability journey? Using clean energy to power your home or business! Interested in renewable energy for your home? Join a community solar program and save 10-15% on your electric bill and lower your energy impact. No solar panels, no installation, no upfront costs, just clean energy sent to your home through your normal electricity supplier!

    Want to learn more about your clean energy options?

  • Eco Friendly Home Practices: Gardens & Composting

    Eco Friendly Home Practices: Gardens & Composting

    Composting is a great first step toward living sustainably. Why should we compost and how do we get started? What does and does not belong in a compost pile? By composting at home, you are helping decrease the amount of food waste that goes into a landfill, creating natural fertilizer, and lowering the amount of methane gas in the world!

    What does composting do?

    Breaks down organic materials into fertilizer.

    What are the basic Ingredients to a compost batch?

    Brown matter, green matter and H2O.

    What is brown matter and what is its purpose in compost? What about green matter? What role does water play in composting?

    Brown matter creates C02 for breaking down the compost. Brown matter consists of dry or woody items like cardboard, paper, twigs and more. Green matter is the source of the nutrients, such as nitrogen. Green matter consists of items like: fruits, veggies, grass clippings or anything that is still fresh. Water is essential in the composting process, as it keeps the compost pile’s temperature regulated. A good compost pile will have the perfect balance of moisture.

    First steps in home composting:

    There are so many ways to compost! The keys to getting started are deciding your Location, Container, and Set Up. After you begin composting, some light maintenance is all you need!


    You will need to consider where to place your compost. Consider a sunny, dry, flat and well drained location, these conditions are ideal for a compost pile or bin’s location.


    Remember when choosing your compost container, it will depict the amount of material (soil/fertilizer) your compost will generate. Some compost container options are: old bins, crates, even a simple pile! Bins and closed containers keep animals out, hold heat, and can help confine odors.

    Set Up

    Once you have placed your compost container in its final location, you can fill it with base layers to get started! Layer 1: Begin with materials such as twigs and other brown matter for drainage and air flow. Layer 2: Cover layer 1 with leaves or green matter. After that, you can simply alternate between brown and green matter.


    Adding new material? Be sure to mix it into the lower layers. Ensure materials are damp and still have moisture. Add water if compost begins to get dry, but do so sparingly. Mix the compost once a week to help break down the compost and avoid odor.

    Utilize Your Compost:

    When the compost is dark , crumbly and has an earthy smell, it is ready. Add it to your garden, lawn, or anywhere in the yard it may benefit trees, shrubs, or any plants!

    What should I put in my compost?



    Coffee Grounds


    Grass Clippings

    Dry Leaves

    Fireplace Ashes



    Sawdust from Untreated Wood








    What should not go in my compost?




    Sick Plants

    Sawdust from Treated Wood

    Treated Wood

    Animal Waste

    Dairy Products

    Composting is a Small Change for the Greater Good

    Sustainable practices can easily be adopted into any household, and can be adapted to fit the needs of your home. Another way to cut down your household’s carbon footprint? Join a community solar farm and start powering your home with clean energy from the sun. You can lower your impact on the environment and save 10-15% on monthly electricity bills, all simply by using 100% renewable energy.

    Want to learn more about your clean energy options?

    Schedule a call with an Energy Specialist Today

  • Eco Friendly Office Practices From Maryland Community Solar!

    Eco Friendly Office Practices From Maryland Community Solar!

    We found 8 great ways to start your Eco Friendly Office journey for free and 5 Eco Friendly Purchases to take it to the next level! Little things add up, and together we can make a difference one work week at a time.

    8 Free Ways to Make Your Office Eco Friendly

    Free Ways to Make Your Office Eco Friendly

    1. Go Paperless

    2. Print Double Sided

    3. Turn off lights and computers when not in use

    4. Recycle

    5. Shared office trash cans instead of individual employee trash cans

    6. Adjust your Thermostat 2 degrees higher in the summer and 2 degrees lower in the winter

    7. Put up Water Saving Tips and Instructions in the bathrooms and kitchen

    8. Use Renewable Energy to Power Your Office

    5 Purchases To Improve Your Eco Friendly Office from Maryland Community Solar

    1. Buy reusable cups and k-cups

    2. Buy Recycled Printer Paper

    3. Buy Energy Efficient Light Bulbs

    4. Buy Smart Plugs

    5. Purchase and install hand dryers instead of using paper towels

    Do you have office practices not listed here? We’d love to hear them!

    Email info@mainecommunitysolar.org to send us your recommendations!

  • Community Spotlight: ReTreeUS and Maryland Community Solar partnering for a sustainable future

    Community Spotlight: ReTreeUS and Maryland Community Solar partnering for a sustainable future

    Supporting Maryland’s sustainable future is at the core of what we do. That’s why we partnered with ReTreeUS in honor of Earth Day to plant a fruit orchard at Georgetown Central School.

    The school orchard represents many of the things that are important to our mission and our business – education, community, the environment and supporting other like-minded organizations.

    ReTreeUS worked with students and faculty through scattered showers to plant the orchard.

    The students really dug in and literally broke new ground to plant this orchard. Their charisma was contagious and brought hope for a more sustainable future. A little rain didn’t stop them, a little hard work didn’t slow them down, and one day, when future generations eat fruit from the orchard, they will know their hard work paid off!

    Like any great project, this one has depth and will unfold over time, delivering lasting benefits to the students and community. The students will learn about the trees in their orchard, the care they require, and methods for sustainable fruit tree harvesting. The school cafeteria and the community will benefit from the “fruits of their labor.”

    This orchard was one of seven educational orchards ReTreeUS has planned for the season, and they have already completed another seven previously in the spring, bringing the total number to 14 orchards this year! They will be delivering seedlings around the State and their produce will be given to school cafeterias. Coast of Maryland soil provided materials for the planting as well. They believe, as stated on their website, a healthy planet needs healthy soil.

    As a green company dedicated to a sustainable future for the environment and Maryland’s communities, it’s wonderful to be part of something like the Georgetown Central School orchard. Those trees can outlive us and create fruit and clean air for generations to come – a lasting change for the better.

    ReTreeUS is a local Maryland non-profit, check them out below: