
Tag: local solar

  • 5 Tips For Going Green From Maryland Community Solar

    5 Tips For Going Green From Maryland Community Solar

    5 Tips For Going Green From Maryland Community Solar

    As the days get longer and the weather gets warmer, it’s time for spring cleaning and getting outside! Here are 5 great tips for going green to help sustain the environment we love:

    1. Plant a Tree
      Spring is the perfect time to garden or plant a tree. Trees offer shade when temperatures are hot and provide privacy for your family while entertaining and playing outdoors. Trees also provide food, protection, and homes for many birds and mammals as well as oxygen for all living things
    2. Ditch Single-Use Plastic
      The water bottling process releases 2.5 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere annually. Disposable water bottle waste washes into the ocean and kills 1.1 million marine creatures each year.
    3. Use Reusable Bags
      Reusable bags are not only better for the environment, but they can also save you money. More and more stores are beginning to charge for the use of plastic bags. 
    4. Bike to Get Around
      A typical passenger vehicle emits about 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. Taking a bike ride is a great way to reduce your carbon footprint while enjoying quality time with your friends and family. It is also cost-effective and a great way to exercise.
    5. Use Renewable Energy
      The cheapest times to use electricity are during non-peak hours. Non-peak hours vary a little between electric providers but generally range from 10:00 pm – 5:00 am. Of course, you don’t need to switch to the graveyard shift in order to save money on your electric bill! Simply turn lights off when they are not in use or set up timers or smart home automation. In addition, CFLs and LEDs are great alternatives to incandescent bulbs, with LEDs taking the crown for the most efficient lightbulb on the market. Combine these changes with 100% clean, renewable energy from a local solar farm for the most advantageous energy consumption. How is this possible? Solar energy can you an additional 10% on your electric bill.

    One small change can make a huge difference. 💚

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  • Why More Americans Are Turning to Solar Energy

    Why More Americans Are Turning to Solar Energy

    Why More Americans Are Turning to Solar Energy

    In 2023, an impressive 800,000 Americans made the switch to solar energy. With rising financial pressures and increasing demands on the U.S. electricity grid, more people are exploring solar energy as a way to manage their energy consumption. But what about those who can’t install solar panels on their rooftops—like renters, condo dwellers, or lower-income households? Is solar energy still within their reach?

    Enter Community Solar! 🌞

    Community solar provides a solution for those who are unable—or prefer not to—install solar panels on their own property. These projects are made up of large, off-site solar facilities that allow multiple households and businesses to participate. By subscribing to a local solar farm, participants receive a credit on their electricity bills for their share of the energy produced. It’s like having your own personal energy reserve, without the need for panels on your roof!

    One of the key benefits of community solar is its accessibility. The subscription model eliminates upfront costs, making solar energy more attainable, particularly for those in multifamily housing, rental properties, and lower-income brackets. Plus, by supporting local solar projects, subscribers help strengthen the resilience of their community’s electrical grid.

    These projects are typically managed by a third-party organization that works closely with utility companies to distribute solar energy efficiently. More and more, businesses and community organizations, like churches, are getting involved, bringing the benefits of community solar to a wider audience.

    The beauty of community solar is that it’s inclusive—if you have a utility bill, you qualify. There’s no need to switch your current electric company, and participation is as easy as signing up. By joining a community solar project, you’re not just saving on your electricity bills—you’re contributing to a more sustainable future for everyone.

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  • An Inside Look at What Goes into Building a Solar Farm

    An Inside Look at What Goes into Building a Solar Farm

    An Inside Look at What Goes into Building a Solar Farm

    You’ve driven by dozens of fields brimming with rows and rows of shiny solar panels and know they’re a fantastic asset to lowering carbon emissions, but have you ever wondered, “Why did they choose that spot?”

    Building a community solar farm involves more than just plopping panels on any available plot of land. We’re committed to partnering with companies that deliver affordable, clean electricity while not harming the land we love. After all, our goal is to fight climate change; not cause other environmental issues!

    So how is that done? Here are the 3 key considerations for solar farm development:

    • Environmental Suitability: The land must pass environmental screenings. Habitats for endangered species, wetlands, and areas with significant cultural or historical resources are avoided.
    • Land Looking For Rejuvenation: Land that has previously been used for something else, like unproductive farmland, environmentally contaminated sites, or capped landfills are prime real estate. In fact, solar farms on land such as this can actually improve its conditions and make it productive once again!
    • Specific Site Requirements: The ideal site is flat and well-drained. Typically 20 acres for every 5 megawatts (MW) of solar energy capacity is helpful as well.

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