Changing the Clean Energy Equation

For years consumers and businesses have been interested in solar energy, especially as prices and costs have plummeted over the past decade. Unfortunately, on-site and rooftop solar installations have some pretty big barriers to entry.

The costs to purchase an array can be prohibitive to many and, even with financing, the payback can be drawn out. Add in challenges with site orientation, building ownership, permitting and maintenance and that math often just doesn’t work for many people … until now.

The growing availability of community solar programs has changed the equation for any business and consumers interested in using clean energy. They can use 100% renewable energy taking advantage of the same net energy billing program as an on-site array. But all the barriers to entry are gone.

Community solar programs provide the renewable electricity and costs savings with no upfront costs or fees. Plus, because solar farms are “off-site”, the issues with site orientation, direct sunlight, permitting, maintenance, etc. are no longer a factor.

With these benefits ad more developers offering no credit-check programs, community solar is truly making clean energy available to everyone.